Weather Alert - A DELAYED REPORT order has been issued for Thursday, Feb. 13, 2025. All clinics and services will open at 9 a.m.

Health Services

Traumatic Brain Injury Clinic

The Traumatic Brain Injury Clinic provides comprehensive multidisciplinary strategies in a design to facilitate the rehabilitation and reintegration of Service Members who have suffered a mild traumatic brain injury (concussion).

Many Service Members suffer from a combination of symptoms to include: chronic headaches, sleep disturbances, memory, and cognitive problems, anxiety, depression, PTSD, family, and work issues as well a musculoskeletal injuries.

The TBI Clinic is a referral-based clinic.

The philosophy of the team is focused on the integration of therapeutic strategies within the program that provide an atmosphere of understanding, education and purpose.

Comprehensive Evaluation, Treatment and Therapy Enhanced Through Activity

Smart Equitest System/Balance Master

Allows for assessment and treatment of vestibular deficiencies.


Allows assessment and treatment of visual field deficiencies and upper extremity range of motion and coordination.

Videonystagmography (VNG)

A series of tests used to determine the causes of a Service Member’s dizziness or balance disorders.

ANAM Screening

Automated Neurological Assessment Metrics. This is testing of cognitive function, motor skills, reflexes, and reaction time.

Cognitive Re-Education

Provides structured, graded cognitive challenge to improve attention, problem solving, memory and executive functioning for improved performance for activity of daily living, leisure, school and work.

Contact Us




8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


11050 Mt. Belvedere Blvd.
Fort Drum, New York 13602

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