Health Services

Occupational Health

The Occupational Health mission is to protect the civilian/military employees from occupational injuries, illnesses and exposures due to hazardous materials or environment through pre-placement and annual medical surveillance exams, while maintaining compliance with military and civilian regulatory agencies.

The staff of the Occupational Health Clinic recognizes the individuality of the patient and the uniqueness of each case. We provide comprehensive quality health assessments in which the clinic’s continuing responsibility for health care is not limited by the patient’s age, sex, or by a particular organ system or disease entity. Occupational Health activities focus on health promotion and protection; maintenance and restoration of health and the preventive approach to health care, including early disease detection, health teaching and counselling and work-site evaluations. We believe the patient has the right to be treated with dignity and be an active participant in the decisions regarding personal care.

Contact Us




7 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 1 to 3:30 p.m.


P11058 Mount Belvedere Blvd.
Fort Drum, NY 13602

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