Armed Forces Wellness Center
The Armed Forces Wellness Centers (formerly Army Wellness Centers) are an actionable platform delivering evidence-based programs that improve individual and unit performance and readiness, utilizing advanced testing technology to provide immediate feedback to improve Soldier performance.
Along with improving fitness, AFWC programs can directly impact readiness by reducing lost or limited duty time and the number of Soldiers on physical profile. The primary goal of the AFWC program is to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injury, improve overall performance, and enhance the self-efficacy of individuals to maintain lifelong healthy behaviors. AFWCs are integrated with the Patient Centered Medical Home as part of the Comprehensive Care Plan.
Goals of the Armed Forces Wellness Center
Armed Forces Wellness Centers (AFWC) provide programs and services that improve and sustain health, performance, and readiness of the Total Army delivered by highly trained health professionals. The AFWCs are an actionable platform delivering evidence based programs that improve individual and unit readiness, utilizing mobile advanced testing technology, providing immediate feedback to improve Soldier readiness delivered by highly trained health & human performance professionals.
AFWC & Units
- Improve unit readiness and support physical fitness standards by targeting the physical fitness and performance of Service Members.
- Provide programs and services that improve musculoskeletal injury risk factors and directly increase the readiness of Service Members.
- Reduce lost and limited-duty time due to injury.
AFWC & Medical Providers
- Provide a tool to address lifestyle behaviors holistically and over time.
- Programs are evidence-based and leverage technology to help clients succeed.
- Allow for medical provider direction and oversight of patient progress through MHS Genesis documentation and PCMH integration.
AFWC & You
- You set the goals; the AFWC staff puts you on the path to achieving them and walks the path with you.
- Programs are individualized to address your current needs, motivation and confidence level.
How the AFWC Works
- The AFWC is staffed by health educators who deliver primary prevention programs. (Primary prevention occurs before disease, injury or disability occurs.)
- Referrals can be made to AFWC by medical providers or unit commanders. Self-referrals are always welcome and can be made by contacting AFWC directly.
AFWC Core Programs

The AFWC approach to service is holistic. AFWC staff members take into account all of an individual's physical, psychological and social circumstances when providing services. A holistic approach is important because a person's health cannot be fully addressed unless we consider the whole person.
Health assessment review - An analysis of a person's health status, risk for disease, and ability to increase physical activity safely.
Physical fitness - Using state-of-the-art equipment, physical fitness level is assessed and used to create an individualized exercise prescription.
Healthy nutrition - Use of metabolic testing that synchronizes an individual's resting metabolic rate to provide tailored strategies for weight loss, gain or maintenance.
Stress management - Education in biofeedback, stress relief techniques, and positive coping skills.
General wellness education - Classes on topics such as healthy lifestyles, good sleep habits, increased resiliency, preventing chronic disease through healthy living habits, and self-care.
Tobacco education - An assessment of an individual's readiness to change with a discussion of possible options for becoming tobacco-free.