Scheduled virtual video visits are medical appointments that give patients the flexibility to meet with their care team from a location that’s convenient and comfortable for them. The new platform is safe, secure, and easy to use, making it the perfect option for anyone who wants to engage their healthcare teams on their terms.
Great health care is more than just appointments and treatments. With My Military Health, you’ll enjoy a simpler health care experience – with more opportunities for virtual care. Powered by advanced digital tools, My Military Health helps you engage in your health when, where, and how you need to. Learn more about DHA's New Model of Care!
The Fort Drum MEDDAC’s Walk-In Contraceptive Clinic is held every Tuesday. Active-duty service members go to Conner Army Medical Home, 1-3:30 p.m. All other beneficiaries go to the Guthrie Primary Care Clinic, 8:30-11:30 a.m. No appointment necessary!
Sgt. Ashtin C. Josey, an occupational therapy specialist with the U.S. Army Medical Department Activity – Fort Drum, tests a military retiree’s grip strength during the Fort Drum Retiree Appreciation Day at Fort Drum, N.Y., Sept. 21, 2024. Click above to learn more.
The Virtual Education Center (VEC) is the most comprehensive and reliable resource for health wellness education for all Beneficiaries
The U.S. Army Medical Department Activity, Fort Drum, NY, was awarded the Army Superior Unit Award for the period of March 1, 2021, to April 30, 2022, for displaying outstanding meritorious service by balancing the challenge of containing a global pandemic while maintaining, and improving upon, excellent healthcare delivery for beneficiaries.
Do you have ideas to help improve your medical care?   Become a patient and family partnership council volunteer!   Patient and Family Partners help us by sharing stories about their healthcare experiences, helping to create materials and plans for improving healthcare quality and safety, providing input on how to improve our policies and care practices, giving feedback about their medical care, letting us know what went well and what we can do better, and more.   To receive information on how to volunteer, click on the link above.

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